Do you believe in divine intervention? Well,in an effort to share my love of vintage Christmas tree ornaments in my blog, the heavens opened up and dropped a treasure trove of gorgeousness directly onto my path. I have purchased a collector's dream share of vintage ornaments,many of them being Christopher Radko ornaments. Unfortunately, my husband doesn't not understand this miracle.
He questions why every flat surface in our home is now covered in ornaments. Apparently he likes to put his coffee mug down between sips, sorry honey not an option here today.
So now, to avoid the label of ornament hoarder (that's not a bad thing) I've decided to share a majority of these amazing treasures with you during this holiday season. Now, if you didn't get a chance to read my previous blog where I swooned over the Christopher Radko ornaments, here is a quick update. These unique shiny ornaments have beautiful details and vibrant colors that set them apart from most ornaments. Truly a collector's dream! The ornament themes are for every passion including family, holidays, cancer support, pets, children,life occasions and more.
I plan on posting several new ornaments each day so you can add to your collection. To view this amazing collection, visit the Hundredth Monkey's website, www.monkeybliss.com.
Remember, our online store is always open and contains a multitude of diverse decor, one of a kind items and gifts. Be sure to subscribe to our email contact list and receive the lastest updates.
Merry Christmas and Much Love!