How did the partridge arrive in the pear tree? The popular Christmas song, "The Twelve Days Of Christmas" uses the partridge as the first gift of significance given to a true lover for the Holiday Season. The lyrics from the song's first verse says,
On the first day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
A partridge in a pear tree
But according to ornithologist the partridge is a ground nesting and dwelling bird, very unlikely to roost in any tree. As the song continues one realizes that the song's author had an affinity for birds. He ended up gifting a total of 23 birds to his lover throughout the song's lyrics. Including Turtle Doves, Swans, Geese, French Hens and Colly Birds. (You've been singing Calling Birds all these years, that's OK)
The songs contains many religious undertones and was used as a learning tool for children through its symbolism. This tactic best explains the partridge's presence. According to both the Old and New Testament of the Bible, the partridge and the term "my true love" in the song represents Jesus. The parallel between Jesus and the bird is drawn because the partridge is a bird known to sacrifice its own life to save its children.
During the Holiday season references to love are especially welcomed into our lives. Maybe you should consider placing a partridge or two around your home to reflect love in its greatest form.
Click here to view our partridges online at the www.monkeybliss.com. Display these beautiful birds in your home year round or offer one to a friend as a true expression of love.
Wishing you and your family peace and love always.